Easy & Fun DIY Ball Pit

10 Easy & Fun DIY Ball Pit

10 Easy & Fun DIY Ball Pit

Do you want to surprise your baby? The ball pit give your child a fun for a long time. Your child will love it. To create a ball pit, you only need a box or a bathtub, but if you want to create a larger design then you can use PVC pipes. We invite you to look at 10 ball pits, which you can easily DIY. Below each photo you will find a link to the tutorial.

1. DIY Ball Pit by CupofAutism

DIY Ball Pit by CupofAutism

Tutorial at CupofAutism

2. DIY Ball Pit by BoyMamaRusell

DIY Ball Pit by BoyMamaRusell

Tutorial at BoyMamaRusell

3. DIY Ball Tub by WildFlowerRamblings

DIY Ball Tub by WildFlowerRamblings

Tutorial at WildFlowertamblings

4. DIY Box Ball Pit

DIY Box Ball Pit

Source: PlainVanillaMom

5. DIY Bath Tub Ball Pit

DIY Bath Tub Ball Pit

Source: WonderBaby

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